Sunday, 11 March 2012

Finished Projects

This weekend two more projects were finished off though they only needed framing. Both designs are from the Hoopla book.

The One Mutant to Another design by Cate Aneski has been finished for awhile and just wanted mounting on a canvas. I had to wait for my husband to staple it on for me because the I can't press on hard enough with the stapler so the staples barely attach.

I embroidered it on calico and the canvas was an old one with a small rip in it but once it was covered with wadding no one can tell.

This other design, A Creature of Curiosity by Kirsten Chursinoff was stitched on to fabric from an old top and the frame has been hanging around the house for years.
I love it when I can make something with stuff I already have and not have to spend any money.

1 comment:

  1. Love these both, but especially that octopus. You've been busy--you didn't get Hoopla all that long ago, did you?!
