A Quick Catch Up

This week Little L returned to school after her bout of chicken pox only to come home on Wednesday with a high temperature and sickness bug which is also doing the rounds at the school. Hopefully she won't pick up any more bugs before Christmas.

Craftwise, I've only made a couple of quick things. This small wire Christmas tree which I'm not sure does actually resemble a tree or just a beaded twirly thing

and this tree garland made using old music sheets. Little L helped with this by drawing the tree shapes out using a biscuit cutter. We only put it up today and I'm thinking that it looks too plain so I might take it down and let Little L loose on it with her glitter and sequins.

When Little L perked up later on this afternoon we got out the shrink art plastic and made these using a template from the Gingermelon Dolls blog. 

Last Week

Little L caught something different than her usual coughs and colds last week. She came home with chicken pox. For the first couple of days she had a sore throat along with the spots but now besides being extremely irritated with the itchiness, she is very bored. We've been watching lots of films and she made these Christmas ornaments with air drying clay which are just waiting for a coat of varnish. We'll be doing something Christmassy with paper this afternoon. Little L loves cutting things out.

Coco, our rabbit is in the house for the Winter. Considering she is meant to be a miniature Rex she doesn't look far off a full sized one to me .... I think we've been had.

Craft wise, I've not been up to a great deal. I made these felt cats, a key ring for Little L's book bag and two magnets

and this pocket bunny for Little L from a Gingermelon pattern.