Saturday, 10 December 2016

An Odd Choice Of Gift

When being asked this year what I would like for a Christmas present I chose something that I've had my eye on for years, a siamese fighter (betta) fish. Judging by peoples reactions when I tell them that I am getting a fish, it seems to be an odd choice. The present is from my parents and Anders because it is not just the fish, it's the tank, heater, etc. which all adds up cost wise.
Before making my decision I looked on the internet at various web sites and forums for information about betta fish. While much of the information is the same there does seem to be some conflicting advice around. It has been the same in various pet shops that we have visited too. We asked about betta food in one shop because we couldn't see any to be told they don't have their own food, they just eat generic tropical flakes (I had already found out that you can purchase food especially for bettas, thats why I was looking). Anyway we came to the conclusion that some of the chain pet stores don't know a great deal and are happy to just make a sale. After visiting every local pet shop for the last three weekends, I managed to find an aquatic shop not too far from us so we nipped in for a look. It was the brilliant. By far the best selection of fish and equipment that we had seen. The staff were friendly and helpful and answered any questions that we asked. We set up the tank then when it had settled we returned to get some little catfish as tank mates for the betta. 

The fish that I chose were these Julii Corydoras. Cute little things with lovely markings. They seem to have settled in nicely and are very active, always zooming around the tank. They can do a thing with their eyes which makes them look like they are blinking at you. A bit of a shock to see at first considering fish don't have eye lids.

We picked up the betta fish this weekend (I've named him Scaramanga after a Christopher Lee character). I chose this one as I loved the colours and he seemed to have a larger tail than the other fish (we were told he was a half moon type). He was very alert, trying to fight with the betta fish in the next tank. 

As soon as he was placed in to our tank he went to investigate the plants straight away. Must all be a bit strange because the tanks in the shop were completely bare. He seems to like them and even lies down on them for a little rest. I'm hoping that I will be able to hand feed him as he comes straight to my fingertip if I place it in to the water, he's certainly not timid. I hope he doesn't mind a lot of attention, he's had a fair few admirers today (even if my Mum said he reminded her of a guppy)


  1. Sure is a pretty fish. A friend of mine had one and she name his George.
    Found your blog though Carol and if you have the time stop in for a cup of coffee.
