Visitors & De Cluttering

Its been a bit busy in this household lately for anything craft wise. I have a lot of little things that just need finishing off though.
Firstly the boys were on their half term school holidays so I took the opportunity to get their wardrobe sorted out. Which involved me throwing clothes at them to try on to see if they fit or not. Little L didn't want to be left out and tried some on too. The boys must be going through a massive growth spurt as some of their clothes they have only worn a couple of times and are now too small.Next Little L's clothes were sorted. Any clothes which are still in good condition then get passed on to two of my friends for their children. I then had a quick sort through my airing cupboard but only found some tatty cushion covers to get rid off and I did unpick the zips off these before they went into the recycling tub. When I actually thought that I maybe getting somewhere with my de-cluttering frenzy my mum rang and asked me if I wanted two sets of curtains for my living room - well I'm not going to say no am I ? I may as well face facts now, this house will never be clutter free.
When the boys went back to school after their break, I had a nice visit from my sis, niece and nephew ( their school holidays were a week behind the boys ).

Jay made these lovely cakes to bring with. They were gorgeous. She always makes excellent cakes ( a far better baker and cook then me ). I may dabble with soup and jam making now and again but it doesn't seem to matter how many pinnies I have, I'm never going to a 'Ma Larkin' not matter how much it appeals to me.

My sis also bought a variety of eggs for us laid by her hens and as soon as my youngest boy came in he asked for an omelette so omelette's for tea it was.

Just before Jay arrived I had a visitor of the feathered kind. I didn't know what it was but I know we have had a sparrowhawk in the garden recently so I thought it might have been that but when my sis saw it she said it was a kestrel. Sorry for the poor photos. I was stretching over the kitchen sink trying to take the photo through the window before it flew off.